Monday, January 24, 2011

The Nisbet Family

    Welcome to the Nisbet Family Blog.  We have an adventure ahead of us and I wanted a place to chronicle all the adventures we are going to have as a family in Colorado.  Here is a little about our family.  Alex and I met the summer before our junior year at Clear Creek High School.  We "officially" started dating our senior year and have been together ever since.  Awwww, how cute I know.  I can't tell you it was a piece of cake either.  We both went to different colleges, even in different states for a year but we made it work and we got married after I graduated from Texas State University in July of 2004.  Alex graduated from Texas A&M University in May of 2005 and we have been happily living in League City ever since. 
     We have been so fortunate to live so close to all of our family this exciting 6 1/2 years of marriage.  We have both changed jobs, bought our first home, and built our second, and have just gone with the flow of life.  Last summer we were so excited to have our first daughter Lana.  She is pure joy and the happiest little girl.  I am so fortunate that after teaching kindergarten for 5 years, including her 1st year of life, I finally get to be a stay at home Mom for awhile, it is the best! 
      Now we have a new chapter of our life to begin.  Alex took an amazing job opportunity with Lockheed Martin in Littleton, CO.  We are moving to Highlands Ranch February 4th, 2011.  We are sad to leave all of our family in Texas, but who could pass up living in Colorado?  I have always wanted to live there and that seems to be the best location for a new and exciting career opportunity for Alex.  We are looking forward to being very active outside and enjoying 4 seasons, we sure don't see them in Houston.  I hope that we have lots of visitors, family and friends will always have a place to stay at our house.  So, keep checking back.  I will be blogging about our new family adventures and posting lots of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Glad you got the blog started! Looking forward to keeping up with you guys after you move : )
