Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Temporary Living Day 2

Day Two, February 7th:

Today was a busy day for our family.  I got up early to scrape snow off the truck while Alex got ready for work, then we all went and had breakfast together in the lobby.  It was cold, but not snowing.  Here are some pictures of our beautiful views.

Lana got some new snow boots from Walmart, here she is trying them on, aren't they cute?  Today was laundry day and since we had to walk to the other building to wash our clothes we decided to take a walk in the snow. 
Navigating through the snow
Step carefully

Saying "Cheese!"
Lana would not walk through this snow.

Picnic anyone?  We are serving a heaping pile of snow today and you may sit on fluffy snow pillow chairs.  :)

  After our walk, Lana had lunch and took a nice nap.  My laundry was done so I figured, Lana is fine I'll run and get the laundry and be back no problem.  So I go to the next building, laundry is still tumbling.  I let it go another 10 minutes and decide to check it, dry and ready.  I head back to our room, put the key in the door, but it barely opens.  The dead bolt had swung over the latch when I closed the door and when I opened the door it just got worse.  I tried using my card to push the bar back but it was too flimsy.  I had to go to the front office.  They tried calling the engineer, but he was out to lunch.  We tried using some tools from the tool box but they were too wide.  A manager got a tool that the engineer would use and got the door open.  Lana slept through the whole ordeal.  Later the engineer came by and adjusted the deadbolt so hopefully this won't happen again.  And the next time I do laundry I will make sure it doesn't overlap with Lana's nap time, goodness!

   The rest of the day we spent indoors playing games, reading books, playing on the computer, and watching TV till Daddy got home from his 1st day of work.  I made dinner in our tiny kitchen, everyone was sooo hungry and before I knew it it was time to get Lana to bed.  She still goes to bed so easily, thankfully and then Alex and I get some time to just relax from our day.  I did however get Skype working on the laptop, so I got to talk to Mom and she is so excited about all the Skyping we will be doing with Lana.




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